Tuesday, February 7, 2012

schooling sick.....

So how do I fare when we're all sick and thrown a curveball of a week? I want to be flexible but I hear this ticking clock in my head....sche-dule, sche-dule, sche-dule.....

Ugh, the tick of death in the sick week!

We have found ourselves battling sickness for 2 long weeks- nothing life shattering, but life affecting.....so we roll with it.

Reading history all huddled in my bed with kleenexes as blankets.
Only read alouds on the couch one day.
Math once or twice.
Reading lessons once or twice.

It would be my undoing if I don't stop and consider my why in the midst of my what. Then I can push through to how.

Why are we home educating in the first place?
What are my obstacles presently?
How are we going to learn through this process?

We learn sacrifice. patience. compassion. grace.
All of us.

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