Thursday, December 1, 2011

What about December?

There are so many thoughts on how to homeschool through the month of December and, as always, some can be pretty strong in showcasing them-

Take the whole month off.
Just do crafts.
Let the kids choose what subjects to do.
Keep plugging along as usual.

Its hard, for me, to find a balance in all of it. I can see benefits from each of these approaches to December, so for us it will change year to year (I think).

This year December means staying consistant- We've just found our flow (I know, right?) and to abandon it all now seems like a poor decision for us. I do however want to enjoy a slower pace and focus on Christ in the midst of this Advent season.

With a long break from CC lasting through mid-January we are experiencing a slower pace- we are able to be home Thursday mornings at home and accomplishing more than normal. I typically have 3 good mornings home a week and 2 away. Without CC I have 4 mornings home a week which in itself seems like an incredible luxury.

We have decided to make a Christmas bucket list of sorts of things to enjoy this Christmas season in the midst of our learning time. Here are just a few....

Christ-focused traditions:

The Jesse Tree
- probably my favorite tradition of all. We read an old testament prophesy and hang an ornament for 25 nights as we approach Christmas- It is really sweet to watch the girls experience a crash course in redemptive history.

Advent at home- One year my mother gave me a gift hand-crafted by Jo Jeffers, my sister-in-law's mother, who is an incredible potter and artist. It is a ceramic advent wreath. Each Sunday we light a candle to focus on Christ.

Birthday Party for Jesus- This is a favorite outreach at our church where we celebrate the birth of Christ in a kid-friendly environment. We sing songs, watch the Christmas story unfold, play games and conclude with, you guessed it, birthday cake.

Lessons and Carols- This is our more formal Christmas service during the advent season. It is a mix of a capella choral music, traditional organ infused music, and also more indie-accoustic songs that stir our hearts and point us to Christ's birth. This year, sweet little mild Mary will be singing in the children's choir. It will be precious to see her little face glowing as she sings of the newborn King.

Christmas Eve Service- I'm really excited by parents are coming this year for Christmas! With my husband serving as a pastor, Christmas Eve is always a question mark- Are the kids going to cry and squirm through the whole service (am I?). Who will they sit with if I'm on for worship? Its not an uber-formal candlelight service, but its ours. Its worshiping with many of the people I love most in this world. Something about seeing everything twinkling and everyone all decked out in their Christmas best. I love it.

Christmas Day Service- I remember as a child I didn't always love when Christmas landed on a Sunday- it meant longer til I could open presents. priorities, right? Thankfully my heart has been changed in these 32 years and now I really am thankful to celebrate on Sunday. It also means Christmas will be spread out throughout the day rather than ending by 9am with wrapping paper all over my living room and me still needing 2 more cups of coffee.

That's the beginning of our Christmas bucket list....somethings we are looking forward to this time, what we watch for Christmas......

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